Orders may be canceled for a few reasons. Occasionally, we have an error in our inventory numbers, and an item is not actually available to be shipped. If this happens, we will try our best to fulfill the order if possible. If we are able to offer a replacement for the product ordered (another color or style), we will offer that option before canceling. Or, if we are able to order the missing item and receive it in a timely manner, we will offer to ship the item as soon as it arrives. If the item is no longer available from the vendor, or if we are not able to order and receive it quickly, we will cancel and refund the item/order instead. If this is the case, you will receive an automated cancellation email as well as an email from us explaining the issue.
If your order is canceled shortly after it is placed and you only receive an automated cancellation email, it is likely that our system has flagged your order as potential fraud and canceled it automatically. Unfortunately, fraudulent orders are on the rise, particularly fraudulent orders on JellyCat items. Because of the risk of fraudulent chargebacks, we have had to make the decision to cancel all flagged orders. If you believe that your order has been flagged and canceled in error, please feel free to reach out to us at info@hopscotachstore.com and we can take a look at the reasons.
All canceled orders are refunded the same day on our end, however, the refund may take 2 - 3 business days to appear on your card.